Grains, Pulses & Oilseeds Market Update (15/03/2024)

This week, the global wheat market experienced notable developments. China’s cancellation of 504,000 Tonnes of US wheat and the postponement of Australian wheat shipments could be attributed to a market slowdown. The absence of trades in Australian wheat, due to competitive pricing from other sources, has led to a subdued market atmosphere in the SEA region. Price quotations for forward shipments indicate APW1 at U$270/mt and APH at U$335/mt for key CNF SEA ports in containers.

Since China return from vacation, we have observed a robust demand for Australian red sorghum in China. Currently trading at U$295/mt levels for CFR Tianjin in containers, we are also getting advance inquiries for sailing shipment in June/July, and July/August. Australian GMB is being quoted at U$940/mt levels for CFR Qingdao in containers, as we have learned from the market, and there is a demand for forward cargoes for May/June shipments. Over the past two weeks, Chinese bids for Australian Kaspa peas have climbed to U$420/mt levels for CFR Tianjin in containers.

In light of Ramadan, the market demand in Pakistan for Australian red lentils and Desi chickpeas has seen a decline over the past two weeks. The last reported transaction for NIP1/HAL1 was a container trade to CFR Karachi at a price of US$700/mt.

The market demand for Australian red lentils in India has seen a decline over the past fortnight, attributed to the ongoing harvest. Currently, buyers are showing a lack of interest. There have been couple of forward cargoes trades reported for NIP1/HAL1 at US$690/mt for July shipments.

Last week we are noticing certain forward deals reported of Australian desi chickpeas new crop (24/25) was traded at US$695/mt , with multiple port options (Mundra/Jebel Ali) Oct/Nov shipments.

In Nepal, there has been no major developement in trade activity in Australian red lentils, Desi chickpeas, and canola seeds.

In the current market scenario, Nepal’s trade activities involving Australian red lentils, Desi chickpeas, and canola seeds remain stagnant. Hearing from market sources that few trades reported of NIP1/HAL1 at U$720/mt; Canola bids at U$575/mt to CFR Birgunj.

Egypt continues to struggle against foreign currency. Owing to the diminished demand for Faba beans, trades reported last week at US$465/mt to CFR Damietta.

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Grains, Pulses & Oilseeds Market Update (08/03/2024)

As per recent report of ABARES, 23/24 crop production for wheat at 25.96 MMT (2% below 10 yr average), barley at 10.8 MMT (4% below 10 yr average), and canola at 5.68 MMT which is still higher production than long term average crops.

Australian wheat market has remained flat with little demand and growers choosing to hold back on sales. Australian wheat is still not competitive against other wheat origins into SE Asia. No significant demand into China as well. Russian and Ukraine continue to ship out their wheat at 10-15% higher pace than same time last year and at a significantly cheaper price than Australian and US wheat.

In SEA region, we are getting inquiries for Australian wheat forward shipments. This week we heard trade offers quoted for APW1 to U$270/mt levels & APH2 to U$332/mt levels to CNF SEA major ports in containers. Bit of an uptick in shipments of wheat in containers ex Australia as per latest stats – is increased by approx. 25% from Dec,23; as Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand are main buyers. Exports of bulk in vessel is increased by 104% from Dec’23; as China & Indonesia remained top buyer as per ABS.

Australian red sorghum is in demand this week in China, trading at U$290+/-/mt to CNF China main ports. Also, Australian green mung beans are also gaining some interest, with quotes between U$945-950/mt to CFR Qingdao in containers May shipments. Interest in Kaspa peas seen earlier this week at USD 415/mt main China ports.

India’s demand for Australian red lentils is slow due to domestic rabi crop harvesting on cards, as we heard from the market sources that with few forward cargo trades of NIP1/HAL1 at U$700/mt for June shipments in containers. There was a slight uptick in forward demand earlier this week which was mainly driven by lower mandi arrivals in India coupled with some fear of increased government purchases which may decrease stock availability. However, with an exportable surplus of 800,000 MT+ from Australia and significant stock at government warehouses, any surges should be limited.

Australian desi chickpeas & lentils are experiencing a bearish market in Pakistan due to the Ramadan festival and local crop harvesting on the cards, as heard from the market source that lentils vessel of 22K is arrived at port & also desi chickpeas vessel of 16K enroute to Pakistan, as result local market is down at the moment. This week heard trade offers for NIP1/HAL1 at U$695/mt levels to CFR Karachi in containers. Desi chickpeas – no demand forthcoming with seller quotes ranging $640 CHKM to $690 CHK1 (23/24)

Interest in Australian KASPA PEAS and CHK1 has been observed in Bangladesh, with trade offers quoted at U$460/mt levels & U$685/mt levels to CFR Chittagong in containers. Limited sales though with LC opening issues still ongoing.

No movement / demand in Nepal for Australian lentils, desi chickpeas & GM canola seeds in CFR Birgunj.

Egyptian pound devalued almost 50% this week, from 31 pounds to the dollar to 50 pounds/dollar, stabilised at 49.5. USD inflows expected to increase which may assist USD availability. No demand for faba or lentils from Egypt this week.

The Australian dollar experienced 1% jump this week, now trading 0.6632.

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Grains, Pulses & Oilseeds Market Update (23/02/2024)

Global wheat market still dominated by Black Sea wheat. Australian wheat is having difficulty because of the sluggish demand in the SEA region; this week, APW1 and APH2 were quoted at U$280/mt levels and U$340/mt levels to CNF major SEA ports in containers.

China is returning from vacation & we are seeing demand for Australian red sorghum, as heard this week trading at U$290/mt levels at CFR Tianjin. We have learned that Australian Mung beans were quoted at U$980/mt levels to CFR Qingdao. This week bids for Australian Kaspa peas are improving to U $400/mt levels to CNF China major ports in containers.

Australia’s red lentils are currently in slow demand in India; we learned last week that NIP1/HAL1 is trading in containers for CFR Kolkata at U$690–695/mt levels in containers. As reported last week, there is not much demand for faba beans, as heard Faba beans traded at U$445/mt levels to CFR Kolkata.

Yesterday, India extended yellow peas import time till 30th April 2024, Also heard from the market source that small quantity of Australian desi chickpeas traded at U$685/mt to CFR Mundra & multiple port options in containers this week.

In Pakistan, we are observing sluggish demand for Australian red lentils & we hearing Australian red lentils trading at U$700/mt levels.

In Nepal, no significant demand for Australian red lentils, chickpeas & GM canola. As we heard GM canola trade offers at U$575/mt levels to CFR Birgunj in containers.

We are seeing minimal demand in Egypt for Faba beans & as we are hearing trade offers at U$495/mt to CFR Damietta in containers.

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Grains, Pulses & Oilseeds Market Update (09/02/2024)

Global wheat market is bearish, as market experts are anticipating rise in demand post Chinese New Year as China being key buyer. Australian wheat remains quiet due to lack of export demand from offshore market.

Very small demand from SEA millers for Australian wheat, as we heard APW1 being quoted at U$305/mt levels; APH2 being quoted at U$360/mt levels to CNF SEA major ports.

Export of wheat containerized increased by 11% in Dec,23 (134,782 MT) compared to previous month Nov23(121,487 MT); major buyers are Thailand, Vietnam & China. Export of bulk in wheat increased by 26% in Dec,23 (1,267,514 MT) compared to Nov,23 (1,007,848 MT); Top importers are China, Philippines & Indonesia in December as per ABS.

Australian desi chickpeas demand remains slow as no participation from Nepal, UAE, Pakistan & Bangladesh already covered Ramadhan demand in December. Small pocket size demand from Bangladesh at about U$685/mt CFR Chittagong levels.

Export of chickpeas increased by 189% in Dec,23 (94,763MT) compared to Nov,23 (32,697MT); most bulk shipments only executing. Main buyer is Bangladesh in December as per ABS.

We observe a strong demand for Australian red sorghum as China’s new holidays get near, and we have heard that sorghum is trading for between U$295-U$305/mt to CNF China major ports. Australian mung beans are trading in containers to CFR Qingdao at U$950-955/mt levels.

Kaspa peas no significant trade demand against cheaper Russian yellow peas at U$380/mt to CNF China major ports; Australian barley not competitive against Russian barley at U$240-245/mt levels to CNF China major ports in containers.

Exports of Lentils increased by 99% in Dec,23 (237,345 MT) compared to Nov,23 (119,134 MT); Top importers are India & Bangladesh in December as per ABS. Onoing demand from India at sub/par U$700–U$710/mt to CFR Kolkata/NS all the way upto June,24 shipment period. Limited volume trades in containers as margins have eroded for traders and significant grower selling resistance below these levels. India’s Rabi crop outlook is key factor in determining price direction and demand on lentils in the coming months. Extended period of cold weather and sudden change of temperature in crucial Feb/Mar period may have an impact on yield – remains to be seen.

The Pakistani domestic desi chickpea crop is gaining attention as it could potentially determine the new direction and price in the market. Currently no demand forthcoming and with elections counting underway we expect market to be quiet for atleast next 1 month till a stable government is sworn in with new direction and cues to trade.

We are observing minimal trade activity in Australain lentils into Pakistan & heard trade offers for CHKM at U$620/mt levels & NIP1/HAL1 at U$715/mt levels to CFR Karachi in containers.

In Bangladesh, observing trade activity in Kaspa peas, which trading at U$445/mt levels to CFR Chittagong. As we heard trade offers for NIP1/HAL1 at U$695/mt levels and CHK1 at U$690/mt levels to CFR Chittagong in containers for prompt shipments.

Presently, there is no significant demand in Nepal for Australian lentils, CHK1, or canola, but buyers are bidding at lower prices for NIP1/HAL1 at U$725-U$730/mt levels; CHK1 at U$650/mt levels; canola at U$570/mt levels – all CFR Birgunj which are not viable as Australian replacement cost is higher.

Containerised exports of pulses and grains remain subdued in Q1 on account lower demand from destinations who have remained well fed by northern hemisphere origins as growers in Australia continue to dribble out only small quantities of all grains and pulses and there is significant resistance to selling below target values. Pulses export volumes continue to be driven by bulk vessel exports of lentils, chickpeas and faba beans to Indian sub-continent and Middle East markets.

We are attending GPC Pulses 24 conference in New Delhi from 14th Feb 24 to 17th Feb 24 and subsequently also attending Gulfood event at Dubai from 19th Feb 24 to 23rd Feb 24, please feel free to reach out to us for a catch up/discussion or just to say hello if you are attending any of these events.

Disclaimer : Prices mentioned are for indication purpose only

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Grains, Pulses & Oilseeds Market Update (26/01/2024)

Australian wheat market prices remain unchanged last week due to slow demand from offshore destinations. Markets mostly trading sideways with now new upside factors yet. Weather impacts to northern hemisphere wheat Feb onwards would be the next drivers of volatility – remains to be seen. SEA millers are also generating very limited demand in the region, with APW1 being quoted at U$300/mt levels for major SEA ports in containers. Heard bulk APW offers at U$295 CNF SEA ports; ASW high U$270’s CNF SEA ports.

Australian barley facing fierce competition from Black Sea & Argentina in China market. Hearing Russian barley being quoted between U$230-245/mt levels to CNF major China ports & Australian barley quoted at U$275/mt levels in containers. Bulk Australian barley flows continue into China is at regular pace with appx. 3 mmt exported since restrictions were lifted.

Negligible demand for Kaspa peas in China with their YP stock at ports in excess of 300k mt and slow local markets. Any new price direction now to be post Chinese New Year holidays(09Feb24 to 18Feb24). Australian red sorghum trade offers at U$310-315/mt in containers against cheaper USA sorghum offers at U$295/mt to CNF major China ports with limited buying interest. New crop Australian mungbeans have also continued to trade at around U$950/mt levels CNF Qingdao. Australian summer crop Sorghum & mungbeans are currently expected to be doing well on back of ample moisture due to recent rain events in eastern Australia. Sorghum harvest expected by trade at this stage to be closer/over 2mmt – ABARE numbers yet awaited). Harvest will be well spread out with Central Queensland planting the crop in Jan, harvest likely May/June/July, early southern crops starting to harvest now. Mungbeans with weather permitting may be a 100kmt crop although numbers not yet out and traders keeping fingers crossed.

Demand for Australian red lentils in India is pretty much flat, with no major trading activity reported last week. We heard trade offers of NIP1/HAL1 at U$710-715/mt levels & also heard from the market sources that NIP1/HAL1 traded at U$705/mt in containers (April/May) shipment. As India’s Rabi crop starts to mature Feb onwards, we may see some direction with hopes YP/lentils will continue to be imported to fill in any Rabi crop shortfalls.

In Nepal, no major trade activity in Australian red lentils & Desi chickpeas, while limited quantity of Australian canola min.44% traded at U$585-590/mt levels to CFR Birgunj in containers. Heard small demand for Australian Lentils at $730 – $740/mt and Desi’s at $640/mt CNF Birgunj – not viable basis Australia replacement cost.

The current market in Pakistan is bearish on the pulses complex; CHKM is being quoted at U$615/mt and NIP1/HAL1 lentils at U$715/mt levels in containers. As heard from market sources that limited CHKM trades were reported between at U$590-595/mt levels in containers.

Australian red lentils are not gaining significant attention in Bangladesh. Enquiries for Canola and Kaspa peas at U$560-565/mt and U$460-470/mt levels respectively CNF Chittagong. CHK1 trade reported below U$695/mt levels to CNF Chittagong in container. 5 Chickpeas vessels(150kmt) on track ex Australia for Bangladesh arrival in Q1, 2024.

In Egypt, we are observing limited trade activity in Faba beans, which is trading over $485/mt (fiesta type)& Warda type over U$465/mt to CFR Damietta in containers last week. Red Sea surcharges affecting trade flows to Egypt although demand remains consistent.

On 2024 cropping, Australia should be on track to produce a major crop in winter 2024 thanks to the summer rains across all eastern Australia cropping areas filling up the deficits on soil moisture profiles. According to some analysts 2024 winter crop could be on track to produce in excess of 31mmt wheat; 13mmt barley; 6mt canola weather permitting.

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Grains, Pulses & Oilseeds Market Update (08/12/2023)

Global wheat market has been bullish due to spike in Chinese business of US wheat, they covered roughly 660,000 tons recently. Australian wheat markets have seen a boost due to the bullish strength on the boards. However, demand still lackluster and with expected slow export pace from CIS, there should be uptick in demand for Aus’s wheat in Q1.

As per ABARES, projection estimate lifted in December winter crop report on Wheat 25.5MT, Barley 11.1MT, Canola 5.5MT, Lentils 13.93MT, Chickpeas 528KT, Faba Beans 484KT, Field peas 238KT, & Lupins 524KT.

Grower selling on wheat has been generally slow this harvest with lower demand for export and lower grower engagement, however recent weather events in SA & VIC have protein spreads increase due to majority of wheat being harvested falling into ASW/APW range.

In chickpeas, demand for new crop Australian chickpeas is currently at a standstill, with little demand from any destination. No price parity into Pakistan, Bangladesh with limited interest and Nepal completely absent from trade.

In China, lackluster demand for Australian Kaspa Peas although with significant jump to Canadian YP due to India relaxing import restrictions, we hope to see some market reaction from China. We are observing demand for Sorghum (old crop) which trading at U$ 350/mt levels to CNF China major ports & no firm interest coming for Sorghum (new crop) as we heard trade offers at U$330/mt levels to CNF China major ports in containers for March/April shipments. On Australian barley facing competition with Argentina & Russian barley, we heard trade offers for Australian barley at U$270/mt levels to CFR Tianjin in containers.

In Pakistan, observing minimal trade demand for Australian red lentils, as we heard NIP1/HAL1 trade offers at U$730/mt levels to CFR Karachi in containers for Jan/Feb/March shipments. Some business earlier this week reported at U$720-725 levels CFR Karachi.

In India, no firm demand coming for Australian red lentils, we heard trade offers at U$720/mt levels to Kolkata in containers. We observed some small activity’s in faba beans over last week, which is trading at U$440/mt levels to Kolkata in containers.

Recently, India removed import duty on yellow peas to nil from 50% & allows import till 31st March 2024. More on next market report on market reactions and demand. Currently buyers and sellers are scoping trade direction and price discovery underway.

In Nepal, no major trade acitivity happening at the moment for lentils, desi chickpeas & canola seeds

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Grains, Pulses & Oilseeds Market Update (24/11/2023)

Global wheat markets are hampered by the large export capacity of Black Sea grain producers, which results in a surge of cheap Russian/Ukrainian wheat shipments.

Australian wheat markets are experiencing lower prices due to harvest pressure and a stronger Australian dollar. Limited containerized export sales to SE Asia with pricing being quote APW USD 305 to USD 310 pmt – CFR major SEA ports & APH2 being quoted sub-USD 380’s pmt vs competing CWRS in bulk cheaper under USD 350’s into SEA.

In Desi chickpeas, sluggish demand for new crop coming from offshore market. Containerized business demand is limited for all destinations and no strong inclination of Australian sellers to sell at lower values. Keeps the market illiquid.

In lentils, VIC & SA lentils price roses due to market shorts to fill in early packing slots, despite of rise in Australian dollar since last week. VIC harvest deliveries have started.

In India, we are observing not much trade demand for Australia red lentils from the market. We heard trade offers for Nipper/Hallmark#1 to USD 725 levels in containers with no buying interest. Limited trades reported last 2 weeks between USD 715 to USD 720 pmt mark.

In Pakistan, observing minimal demands for Australian lentils. As we heard the Nipper/Hallmark#1 trade offers USD 725/mt levels to CFR Karachi in containers to final buyer.

In Bangladesh, we are getting enquiries for canola min.42% & also we heard that GM canola min.42% traded at USD 545/mt levels to CFR Chittagong in containers.

In Nepal, no major demands for Australia lentils & desi chickpeas. While in canola we see couple of inquiries last week with limited buyer interest. Buyers seeking values of USD 580+/- CFR Birganj with limited trades reported last week, Australia market remains strong with ongoing VIC canola seed harvest values not allowing any trade margins at these CFR values.

In Egypt, sluggish demand for Faba beans & lentils since last 3 weeks. We heard that Faba beans trade offers at USD 425/mt to CFR Damietta, though limited selling interest at these values and currency availability continuing issue with this destination.

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Grains, Pulses & Oilseeds Market Update (10/11/2023)

The market expects wheat world ending stocks to be somewhat lower for the 2023/24 season due to dry seasonal circumstances in Australia and Argentina. Russian production is likely to climb from 85 million mt to 93 million mt, as the Russian government has revised its projection as per USDA.

In Wheat, Australian wheat markets this week have been experiencing lower bids ranging from A$5 to A$10 per tonne on soft wheats compared to last week due to harvest progress. Exporters are actively chasing APH where spreads have increased to more than A$120 pmt to APW and A$100 pmt to AH2 in some procurement arcs. QLD harvest is nearly complete and NNSW should finish in 1-2weeks, central and southern NSW harvest deliveries will continue to maintain pressure on pricing and we expect pricing to fall away another A$10-A$15 on account of harvest pressure in southern NSW and VIC. China supposedly continues its purchasing of APW wheat at/sub U$300 CFR in bulk. SEA containers offered indicatively APW – U$300-U$305+/- main ports; APH2 – U$380+/- main ports.

In Chickpeas, harvest seems complete in QLD/NNSW, demand remains weak for Australian desi chickpeas, only Bangladesh is a limited volume buyer as UAE, Pakistan & Nepal buyers are not participating due to premium prices . New crop CHK1 (23/24) indications CFR Karachi/Chittagong – USD 670 pmt.

In Pakistan, demand for Australian red lentils was firmer this week due to anticipated lack of availability of stock for Ramadan & buyers were actively participating. We heard Nipper/Hallmark#1 traded at U$720/mt levels to CFR Karachi in containers for Dec/Jan shipments. As local market is upside & also USD/PKR is supporting.

In India, minimal demand & buyers showing limited interest for Australian red lentils at the moment as we learned govt. bodies continue to tender and purchase is doing procurements to commerce domestic market due low production & election year on cards. We heard trade offers yesterday for Nipper/Hallmark#1 at U$725/mt levels to Kolkata in containers, some limited trades also reported U$700/mt for last week.

In Bangladesh, no major movements at the movement since last week trade of desi chickpeas no.1 at U$650/mt levels & also Kyabra is offering at U$690/mt levels to CFR Chittagong in containers. We see no major upside or significant demand levels and market continues to trade sideways on limited volumes.

In Nepal, no such major movement in Australian desi chickpeas & red lentils as buyers are willing to wait due to premium rates. CHK1(23/24) bid/offer spread at U$45 pmt CFR Birgunj; Australia canola seed still no demand as still at +U$50 pmt disparity to cheaper origins.

In Egypt, market has slowed down a bit on lentils, fabas and lupins as we heard trade offers that FABA Beans are offering below at U$420/mt & Nipper/Hallmark#1 at below U$720/mt in containers.

In China, lackluster demand for Australian pulses in containers. KASPA Peas no demand. We heard Russian yellow peas offering at U$330/mt at CFR China ports with lack of buying interest. In Barley, buyers getting offers at U$270/mt levels to CFR China major port. Sorghum sees limited demand.

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Grains, Pulses & Oilseed Market Update (03/11/2023)

Over the last week, the global market wheat market remains unchanged.

Australian wheat local market prices remain unchanged, however in some regions where harvest is near about to finish, selling pressure is visible. In QLD prices are about A$5/mt less than week ago; WA harvest has picked up with reduction in price about A$10/mt, while Northern NSW harvest on full swing experienced lower price about A$15/mt; SA, Victoria & Southern NSW will be in peak harvest in 2-3 weeks. With harvest in Victoria commencing, wheat is now generally looking workable in containers to SE Asia although buyers also keeping a watch on harvest pressure to engage in coverage for 1st quarter of 2024.

On Barley, prices remain sluggish. China is allegedly purchasing more feed barley, and quality for this harvest is generally good with more Malt grade. This is causing feed/malt premiums to reduce.

Desi chickpeas harvest in NSW is on in full swing with bids from buyers remaining strong to upcountry packing sites. Destinations such as Pakistan, Nepal & UAE remain out for new crop due to significant spreads on old crop 1’s & CHKM vs new crop CHK1. At the moment only Bangladesh remains serious buyer for new crop CHK1 but with limited opportunities to trade them given the currency payment issues.

Lentils demand remains constant although pricing has been impacted by sluggish demand in India and harvest selling pressure in SA. Quality is generally anticipated to be good for this harvest in contrast to last year’s crop with significant quality issues. Victoria will harvest in 2-3 weeks with most packing sites now committed for Dec period and shipping window now spreading to Jan/Feb. Bulk shippers also gearing up with expected 5-6 vessels to be loaded 1st qtr 2024.

In Bangladesh, we are noticing trade some movements for desi chickpeas & buyers are actively participating in cover the stock before Ramadan 2024. We heard for CHK1 traded at U$650 to U$670/mt levels CFR Chittagong in containers (Nov/Dec) & also we heard trade offers for Nipper/Hallmark#1 at U$710-U$720/mt levels CFR Chittagong; for Kyabra desi we heard trade offers at U$690/mt levels CFR Chittagong for Nov/Dec in containers.

In China, no major demand for Kaspa peas against cheaper Russian yellow peas trade offers at U$330/mt levels CFR major China ports in containers. Australian sorghum demand losing ground at U$360/mt levels against cheaper US Sorghum trade offers at U$320/mt levels (all prices CFR major China ports). As we learned that domestic sorghum prices are more competitive & that hits imported sorghum very hard his year; For Australian barley, we heard trade offers at U$270/mt levels (CFR major China ports) with limited buying interest. Container demand in China generally remains sluggish.

In India, minimal trade demand for Australian red lentils since last week. We heard the trade offers for Nipper/Hallmark#1 – U$705-U$710/mt CFR Kolkata in containers with no buying interest.

In Pakistan, lack of trade demand for desi chickpeas & nipper/hallmark#1. We heard trade offers CHKM old crop at U$545/mt levels CFR Karachi & Also we heard Nipper/Hallamark#1 trade offers at U$710/mt CFR Karachi. Local domestic Karachi market price for CHKM at U$505/mt levels & CHK1 at U$525/mt levels; For Australian red lentils, we heard trade offers at 690/mt levels in bulk in vessel CFR Karachi.

In Nepal, no major movement in the market for desi chickpeas, Canola & Nipper/hallmark#1. Lack of demand at current values.

Export of lentils increased by 37% & India remains top destination followed by UAE, Egypt & Bangladesh in September as per ABS.

Exports of Desi Chickpeas fell by 19.5% & Pakistan remains major sales destination followed by UAE & Nepal in September as per ABS.

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Grains, Pulses & Oilseeds Market Update (27/10/2023)

The global wheat crop estimates for 2023–24 was reduced by 2 MMT to 785 MMT as per International Grains Council (IGC) which is 18 MMT lower than crop produced in the previous season.

The global wheat market has been bearish over the last week because to Black Sea competition. Russia agreed to export 70 million tons of grains, legumes, and oilseeds to China over a 12-year period. SEA wheat buyers now looking for coverage for Jan 24 to Mar 24 period with price expectations on APW at below U$300/mt CFR major SEA ports in containers. With harvest currently ongoing we are observing limited high protein wheat with majority of crop expected to fall in ASW/APW category.

In desi chickpeas, harvest deliveries in full swing in QLD/NSW but we don’t see any firm demand at the moment for new crop of Australian desi chickpeas as we learned Pakistan already had sufficient stock as of now, Nepal & UAE not keen to buy at premium price. Bangladesh slowly covering container demand for Ramadan 2024 requirements, with ongoing shipments allowing pricing to hold up for now. Market indications are U$640 to 650/mt levels CFR Chittagong.

In China, market is sluggish at the moment for Australian sorghum & as we heard trade offers at U$360/mt levels in containers with limited interest from buyer. In Australian barley, we heard trade offers at around U$270’s levels with lack of bids from buyer as Russian barley has been traded U$238/mt levels in containers. Lastly, we are observing that no China trade demand for Australian Kaspa Peas at the moment.

In India, we are observing no major trade activities for Australian red lentils since last week due to ongoing festival season & also we learned that buyers are willing to wait to get prices to soften up. We heard trade offer for Nipper/Hallmark#1 at U$730/mt levels for Kolkata in containers.

In Pakistan, after emerging as top volume buyer for Australian CHKM, demand has slowed down due to sufficient stock availability. We heard trade offers for old crop CHKM at U$525-535/mt levels & local market prices for CHKM at U$500/mt levels.

In Nepal, no trade activities due to going on festival season. As we head trade offers for CHK1 at U$670/mt levels to Birgunj in containers & also heard the Ukraine rapeseed traded at U$535/mt levels in Nov/Dec shipment in containers

In Egypt, we are noticing consistent enquiries for Faba beans. We heard trade offers at CFR Damietta at U$440/mt. With Victoria harvest delayed, earlier shipment requirements are being filled from QLD/NSW.

AUD/USD in range of 0.63/0.64 which is assisting export business.

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