All eyes on Russia and Ukraine weather concerns presently. There have been significant downgrades to Russian wheat crop on account of frosts and dryness in key growing areas although some rains now forecast. Yield potential (more likely in vicinity of 80 – 85 MMT) is still a large unknown until harvest, which is weighing on traders pricing of forward new crop business on both cereals and pulses from those origins.

There is talk of India eliminating its wheat import duty which will likely see an import volume of wheat about 5-6MMT June onwards. GOI working front foot to build its buffer wheat stock purchasing 26.24 MMT vs target of 31 MMT with Indian growers holding back on sales anticipating higher prices.

This week Australian wheat prices have risen due to increased offshore market demand and dryness affecting most parts of the country. In SEA, APW trade reported below U$310/MT levels to CFR SEA main ports in containers.

In QLD & NSW, desi chickpea planting is progressing well. More barley acres reportedly being diverted to chickpeas. We are largely expecting upto 1 million ha being planted to chickpeas between the two states. There has been robust demand for Australian desi chickpeas in India, trades are reported at U$900/MT for Jun/Jul shipments & forward trade reported at U$875/MT for Nov/Dec to CNF India in containers.

Lentils have been planted dry is SA and VIC, however this week between 10-25 mm rain has fallen on SA cropping region which will boost sentiments. Trade demand for Australian red lentils is stable, as we heard trade reported at U$745/MT – J/J shipment to CNF India in containers.

The lack of firm demand for Australian lentils and desi chickpeas from Pakistan over the past three weeks. No trade movement in the market as we are hearing trade offers quoted for NIP1/HAL1 – U$755-760/MT; CHK1 – U$920/MT; CHKM – U$810/MT to CFR Karachi in containers with no firm interest from buyers. According to market experts, there has been a significant price surge in the Pakistani local market this week, with CHKM reaching U$700/MT and NIP/HAL1 reaching U$715/MT. 

Lack of participation from Nepal for Australian red lentils, desi chickpeas & canola as prices are not workable for business at the moment. We heard trade offers for NIP1/HAL1 at U$810/MT to CFR Birgunj in containers. 

Bangladesh is not participation due to slow demand for Australian desi chickpeas & lentils & also no price parity in the destination market at present. Getting some inquiries for Kaspa peas.

Chinese market is currently seeing a dip in demand. Australian sorghum is being quoted at U$300/MT to CNF China main ports for July/Aug shipment with limited buying interest, as buyers are eyeing on to cheaper options such as USA Sorghum & Argentina sorghum. No buying interest for Australian GMB as trade offers at U$920/MT to CFR Qingdao in containers.  

In Egypt, observing minimal demand for faba beans & lupins. As we heard that lupins trade reported at U$510/MT to CFR Damietta in containers. Aus Faba beans have been bid USD540/MT Damietta.

Disclaimer: Prices mentioned are for indication purpose only

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