In Southeast Asia, millers are closely monitoring market prices of various wheat origins for their forthcoming procurements. This week Australian wheat APW1 containers being offered at U$285-U$288/MT (S/O) to CFR SEA major ports with limited buying interest. Australian wheat markets following international market movements on the bid side though growers not inclined to sell much current or forward due to lackluster pricing at the moment. New crop looks promising with good rains and moisture levels helping crop growth. Good rainfall recorded last week in Vic 15-25mm, NSW 15-25mm, CQLD 40-50mm & heavy rainfall in WA 40-70mm.

Australian red sorghum (SOR1) demand in China is quite weak with offer to bid at substantial disparity, quoted at USD 295/MT CFR Tianjin (S/O) in containers, with buyer bids at U$275-277/MT. No trade demand for Kaspa peas as buyers remain bearish on account of low YP offers ex Ru/Canada. Australian feed barley quoted at high U$270/MT to CFR main China ports, buying bids at U$260/MT & Russian barely offered at below U$240/MT; Canadian barley offered below U$250/MT to CFR main China ports in containers.

Australian desi chickpeas both old & new crop have remained strongly bid in ISC, though very limited availability on old crop. Uptick in local India values have been driving demand this past week. Lentils new crop prices are dropped by A$20/MT though since yesterday there has been enquiries from India, possibly on back of rail strike in Canada affecting current lentils shipments.

In India, Australian desi chickpeas new crop saw some brisk business since last Friday until this midweek, was trading at U$915-930/MT (O/N) to CNF main India ports in containers. Afterward, price of desi chickpeas adjusted at INR 77.75 in the local market, down from INR 81. New crop CHK1(24/25) offers seen at U$910/MT (O/N); U$875/MT (N/D) to CNF India in containers. Australian red lentil trade is subdued, with new crop quoted at U$660-665/MT (N/D) for CNF main India ports in containers.

In Pakistan, stable demand for Australian desi chickpeas, current crop quoted at CHK1(23/24) at U$935/MT (S/O); CHKM at U$880/MT (S/O); new crop CHK1(24/25) at U$910/MT (O/N); U$865-870/MT (N/D); U$830 (J/F) to CFR Karachi in containers. This week we are hearing that Karachi local market CHK1 bids were PKR296/kg. Sluggish demand for Australian red lentils, with current crop offers quoted at U$685-690/MT to CFR Karachi in containers.

In Egypt, market reports indicate that buyers are actively showing interest in new crop of faba beans for early shipments, with prices ranging from U$450-460/MT to CFR Damietta in containers.
In Bangladesh, buyers showing some interest in Australian desi chickpeas in bulk for current and new crop. No reported offers yet.

Disclaimer: Prices mentioned are for indication purpose only

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